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Are Syrian journalists in exile safe?


In general Syrian journalists in exile are not in danger.  They face a lot of challenges but in general they are safe.


How do exiled journalists produce responsible and accurate reporting on events in Syria?


Most of the journalists rely on people, activists and other resources inside Syria, as well as other work on reports about Syria in countries in the region.  They can use reports on issues related to refugees and other political events for oppositions group, and sometimes they work for international media


How has the exodus of journalists affected media in Syria in general?


This is a very important question. First of all there are a lot of activists working in the media field in Syria now, citizen journalists, activists and journalists.  Now I think most of them are outside of Syria, and the effect is very negative on the amount of news coming out of Syria as well as the type and quality of the news.  Secondly, the news which was coming from Syria prior to the exodus was characterised by quality, but unfortunately now the news coming from inside Syria is mostly inaccurate and non-professional.


How would you describe conditions facing journalists in Syria in general at the moment?


Conditions are very difficult and very dangerous.


What are the biggest challenges facing those who decide to leave Syria?

The biggest challenge is to find work in their field as reporters in order to secure their livelihood.


DCMF speaks to Bassam Al-Ahmad,

spokesperson for the Violations Documentation Center in Syria

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